Simple Ways to Fund Your Child’s Athletic Dreams

Dad and son

Was it just a decade ago when athletes could get on the grand stage with only their talents and a couple of dollars in their pockets? It used to be that athletic pursuits depended more on people’s talents and skills than their financial capabilities. Basketball players didn’t use to attend camps back then. They practiced in their backyards, played for the school team, and got scouted by sports agents. Today, this is far from what’s happening.

If your child wants to be a tennis player, it almost feels like you have to buy a house near Wimbledon for that to happen. It feels like they have to be in the thick of actions, or they will lose the edge to their competitors. Gone are the days when athletic pursuits were based on full grit and determination. Parents spend a fortune honing their kids’ skills. They also need to make sure that they follow the proper diet and exercise.

To pursue a particular sport at a higher level, kids have to attend training camps and pay for coaching. They have to spend their own money to participate in competitions, event entry fees, membership fees, and access to specialized equipment. They need to pay for the food, gas, and hotel. Parents have to allot a budget for gym memberships, training clothes, uniforms, shoes, and other accessories. So how do you make sure that you have the financial resources for these pursuits?

Family Sponsors

Talk to your relatives and friends. Some of them might want to help your kids pursue their athletic goals. An uncle who was once a local basketball player may be eager to buy new shoes for your teenage kid. A ballerina cousin might want to shell out a couple of dollars for your kid’s ballet lessons. While it may be a bit embarrassing to ask for help, be honest with why your kid must enroll in specific classes and programs. And if your kid is of age, they can be the one to approach their relatives to ask for help.

Corporate Sponsors

While it is highly unlikely that a big corporation would want to sponsor your 10-year-old’s tennis dreams, you can go around local stores and companies and ask them for financial assistance. Yes, a lot of them do this because it’s part of their corporate social responsibility. But you have to provide them with documents showcasing why your kid deserves the assistance. Many of them will require your child to continue getting good grades despite the athletic pursuits.

You can also accept product donations such as clothing, equipment, and even unrelated goods. Some of these companies will even allow you to resell the goods to raise funds for your child’s needs. As a way of thanking them, offer to write an editorial for them in the community newspaper. You can post about their help on social media, too.


Kid playing basketball

You can work out a deal with the organizer. Maybe you have the skills and talents that the event needs. You can volunteer your time in exchange for your child participating in the program. A lot of parents actually do this so that they can open opportunities for their children. You can design their website, repair equipment, cook food, sew costumes, and many more.

Working Double

You can find another part-time job in which earnings will specifically be for your child’s athletic goals. If your kid is of age, they can work when there’s no practice or training. They can use that money to enroll in programs and buy what they need. This is a nice way of teaching them to be responsible for attaining their goals.

Pursuing sports at a higher level is quite pricey these days. But no one is going to support your child as much as you do. They need your support—both emotional and financial—to be successful in their chosen field.

The Author

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