Selling Property Online? You Can Do It with These Strategies

selling property online

Gone are the days when people looked for listings in the paper or drove around to seek out homes or properties for sale. Everyone hops on line, types in what they’re looking for in a search engine, and goes from there. Because of that, it has become a pretty viable pursuit to get into online real estate brokerage. You get to conduct most of your work remotely, and you can control your commission. It can be a sweet deal, but only if you’re able to strategically use your time and the internet’s landscape to your advantage.

It would be wise to be a part of a reliable brokerage if you feel like you need some guidance along the way, but a lot of it also has to do with your tools in the arsenal. Here are some things you’ll want to do if you’re going to make those sales.

  • Use multiple appealing pictures.

Don’t get lazy here and only post one photo. Too many brokers online fall into this pitfall, thinking it’s enough to spur people’s interest, but most internet users want the information readily available and laid out to them. Because you aren’t actually in the space, you need to be able to give them a virtual tour that accurately depicts the property and shows them all the rooms and features that will get them to ask for a quote.

Even if you’ve got around a dozen photos, though, it will be moot if they are bad quality. Because this is an online marketplace, you need to establish credibility from the first appearance. Over half of online shoppers noted in a survey that they base much of their purchase decision on the quality of images. Use a stock photo, and you can kiss a lot of those engagements goodbye.

  • Be good with your details.

Online shoppers these days don’t like to have to click around too much and have to chat about things that they perceive should be information that’s already given to them. Be clear with interest, square footage, amenities, location, floor plan, schedules for a meeting, contact information, and even a price range. This increases their confidence in your posting and can put you above the rest. You’d be surprised to see how many listings out there lack these simple yet truly helpful details that build consumer trust.

  • Link out to reliable platforms.

using search engine

Link, link, link! Use reputable platforms to show that you are active online and that you aren’t just some fake scammer. If you are part of a brokerage, link to their website. If you set up your own profile or webpage, link out to that as well. With the vast number of listings out there, what puts you ahead is that you are also selling yourself as the broker along with the property. They already know what they’re getting with the property if you followed the previous steps, so now it comes down to pinning down the deal by making yourself the prime choice to make a deal with.

It will also be very helpful if the platforms that you use have feedback on them because 84% of shoppers trust online reviews as much as they do a friend’s recommendation. Even just a few, they can check out, and they’ll be more likely to take that next step with you.

  • Don’t shy away from seeking the buyers.

Some online brokers just put up their listing and leave it at that. Though it can sometimes be a waiting game, you can get a lot more movement if you’re taking action yourself. Feel free to scour forums and posts with buyers looking. Join social media groups for people who are looking to buy a property. If you go to the target market, there’s a higher chance you’ll snag a deal if you’re strategic with your engagement.

  • Stay active and interactive.

Online shoppers are becoming less patient because all that data is available in just a click. If you don’t respond enough, they are quick to move on and check some other listing out and inquire there. While you can’t feasibly be glued to your devices, it would be a good measure to make sure that you actively answer any potential sales are reaching out to you. And, make sure you when you do respond, you don’t just give short, vague answers that don’t help build a rapport. You could even eventually talk on video conference and show them the place, which is one step closer to a closed deal.

You can still sell property even in times like these; you just need to be online, be in the know when it comes to digital marketing, and use these strategies to make that sale.

The Author

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