Home-Improvement: Tips for Fixer-Upper Investments

an agent showing a paper to house buyers
  • Creating a realistic budget is crucial for successful fixer-upper investments.
  • Location plays a significant role in the potential resale value of the property.
  • Consider adding outdoor spaces such as decks, patios, and outdoor kitchens to enhance the value of your home.
  • Hiring professional deck installation services is recommended for a safe and quality installation.
  • When major renovations are necessary, it is best to hire a professional contractor.

Investing in a fixer-upper can be a great way to save on the cost of a home and turn it into your dream house. However, it can also be a daunting process. If you are considering purchasing a fixer-upper, there are some essential things to remember. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for successful fixer-upper investments.

Set a realistic budget

Before buying a fixer-upper, it is essential to create a realistic budget that factors in the cost of purchasing the property and any renovations that will need to be done. Overestimating your budget could lead to disappointment and financial stress down the line. Don’t forget to factor in unforeseen costs and a buffer for unexpected expenses.

Consider the location

Even if you find your dream home cheaply, the location may not be ideal or desirable. It is essential to research the neighborhood and the potential for the resale value of the property. The best strategy is to invest in a fixer-upper in a location that is up-and-coming, has good schools, low crime rates, and good neighborhood features.

Think of Add-Ons

If you want to add value to your home or give it an instant facelift, consider adding outdoor space. But before you start, it’s essential to consider what you need and what will add the most value to your property. Here are a few ideas:

Deck installation

beautiful backyard wooden deck

One of the best ways to create outdoor living space is by adding a deck. Not only do they extend your living space, but they also add value to your home. Hiring professional deck installation services is the best option, as they have the expertise and tools to ensure a quality and safe installation. Plus, you can choose from a variety of materials such as wood, composite, or vinyl, for your deck.

Building a patio

Another great add-on to enhance your home is a patio. Building a deck creates a beautiful space to entertain, dine, or relax. They come in various sizes, shapes, and materials to suit your budget and style. Patios add value to your home and can be made with pavers, bricks, or stones. Decks are particularly ideal for homeowners who want to build a space to relax and enjoy the outdoors alongside their family and friends.

Outdoor Kitchen

Do you love hosting dinner parties? Consider building an outdoor kitchen. An outdoor kitchen can be added to your deck or patio and is perfect for entertaining during the summer months. Consider appliances such as a grill, refrigerator, sink, and counter to prep food. Adding an outdoor kitchen to your home not only enhances your entertainment space but also adds value to your home.


Nothing sets the mood like a fire pit. A fire pit is an excellent addition to your backyard and can add value to your property. Whether a portable or permanent fire pit, it elevates your outdoor entertainment space and creates a warm ambiance on chilly nights.

Hire professionals for significant renovations

Fixer-uppers require a lot of work, and hiring a professional contractor is often necessary. A contractor can provide expertise in areas such as plumbing and wiring while ensuring the work is completed according to building codes set by the local authorities. A professional contractor can also assist in troubleshooting areas of your property that you are otherwise less inclined to or comfortable repairing yourself.

DIY where possible

While most fixer-upper renovations require the help of a professional contractor, it is essential to remember that many repairs can be done yourself. If you have the skills and knowledge to do some of the work yourself, this can save you a lot of money. However, it would be best if you didn’t attempt repairs you are not qualified or skilled at, as this could lead to further damage and expense.

Think ahead

If you plan on selling your home, it is essential to think ahead when making repairs and renovations. While it may be tempting to make personal choices that suit your taste, keep in mind that neutral and timeless renovations often appeal to a broader range of buyers. Look for opportunities to increase the resale value of your home while creating your dream space.

Wrapping Up

Investing in a fixer-upper can be a challenging process, but with the proper preparation, you can create a beautiful home while also increasing the value of your investment. Be sure to set a realistic budget, consider the location, hire a professional contractor when necessary, attempt repairs yourself when possible, and think ahead when making renovations. With these tips in mind, you can complete a successful fixer-upper investment.

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