Getting Used to a Smaller Space and Making it Work

living room interior

Many baby boomers are starting to downsize, thanks to their grown-up kids who have already moved out a long time ago and are now parents themselves. Even though it’s sad to part ways with a home that holds a lot of precious memories, maintaining a large space can be a burden to aging adults, not to mention a lot of rooms are now useless, anyway. Sentiments can be at a cost of discomfort and hefty bills.

But even if the idea of downsizing is appealing, it can turn out to be a bad decision if you didn’t prepare for the adjustments it entails. Your mindset about spaces plays a role, too. For example, if you think living in a small space limits you, then you’re more likely to regret downsizing, despite your obvious need for it.

So what does it take to downsize wholeheartedly?

1. Know What You Want The Most

This encompasses everything you want and need in a living space. What’s the most important to you? Privacy, aesthetics, functionality, or all of those? List down your requirements and determine if a small space can accommodate it.

Include your belongings that you don’t want to let go of, too. While you de-clutter, be in a practical mindset so that you’ll only keep what you absolutely need. Avoid holding on to something unnecessary “just in case.” If you’re unsure what purpose an item could still hold, it’s best to get let it go, because it’ll only be a nuisance in your storage.

2. Omit the Next Generation Out of Your Plans

It can be hard to resist thinking of your grandchildren, but remember that you’re downsizing for yourself, not for them. If you have some possessions that you suppose you can pass on to them, think again; how young are they at the moment? If the object you want to keep is something only grown-ups can appreciate, then there’s barely any point in keeping it and waiting for your grandkids to grow up so they can have it. Chances are they won’t even like to.

small houses

3. Donate Your Possessions

Since your children and grandchildren aren’t likely to benefit from your possessions, consider donating them to charity instead of throwing them away. Its new owners will surely appreciate those items, and you will feel rewarded and fulfilled, making you happy that you decided to downsize.

4. Give Your Relatives a Chance to Take Stuff

If you have heirlooms that neither you nor your kids want to keep anymore, inform your relatives about it first before donating them. They might even see some stuff you’re leaving that they can take. If they’re taking too long to respond or come visit, set a time limit, and let them know that you’re giving away those things if they don’t claim it within that duration. By doing this, you avoid delays and keep your old stuff from crowding your space.

5. Find the Best Place to Live

Since you’re now moving into your retirement home, it has to be in a location where you can relax and enjoy the surroundings. The new home has to meet all your requirements, despite being significantly smaller. Consider checking out the amazing house and land packages for sale in places such as Melbourne West or other scenic areas.

When you choose a place where the air is clean, the environment rejuvenating, and all your needs met, you’ll never have an ounce of regret after downsizing. You might just wonder why you hadn’t done it sooner.

The Author

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